Monday, January 28, 2013

Woodwork company logo

Pitched logo for woodwork company

Thursday, January 3, 2013

GRSS mascot

"Test drive" for Global Research Summer School mascot

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ad campaigns homework

Sketch for "Ad campaigns" homework

Assignment: Campaign for Golden Brau

Idea: Modern day life is becoming more and more complicated, even eating, watching tv or surfing the net. Golden Brau brings back the moments of simplicity.

Mascot for GRSS project

GRSS link here:

Incipient mascot

Thursday, November 22, 2012

QR Concept for Plastic cup

The message basically says "Your smartphone, your medium. Let your phone read your fortune in the coffee sediment"

On the bottom of the cup there should be a QR code (which is similar to coffee sediment, just to keep the gimmick going :P) leading to the resume online along with a message saying "This person is going to bring you a lot of benefits".

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Plastic cup resume

The idea is having a few dozens of these printed out and placed in coffee machines. Potential employees will see the message on the cup and, by the time they finish their coffee, see (hopefully) the message on the bottom...

Friday, November 16, 2012

VIP Project

Project for "Voluntari pentru Idei si Proiecte"

Logo for my team- "Labels" and illustrative poster.


Video pitches for Jeans for an Interview at Propaganda Agency

Screenplay Concept Art

the title says its all...

Think Strategy 7

Project for the 7th edition of the Think Strategy workshop

Purpose: Promoting Romanian authors

Play upon words with the terms "cards" and "books"

Dark beauty

Drew her for screenplay concept art. Fooled around with the image...

Self Portrait

"Anime"-zation of myself...